Saturday, December 12, 2009

And So It Begins

Well, here I am, I now have a Blog. Blog Blog Blog, blogoshpere, interblog, blargonet, blog.

My name is Pierce, but you can call me Two Toes, and I am a senior at Clarkson University. It is a tiny engineering school up in New York, but it kicks ass. My major is Aeronautical Engineering and I am lovin' it.

So as the title may tell, I am part of our FSAE team up here. This is true. Its a great program along with all of the other SAE and student project teams. I would highly recommend joining if your school offers these programs. Check out this FSAE link, it has a lot more information:

Last year I was the team leader for our FSAE team and unfortunately we did not make it to competition. We were low on man power, were still learning a lot about cars, and had a lot of broken promises. As well as the team leader, I was in charge of designing the new frame for our car. It was my first time doing something at this scale and the outcome was less than favorable.
This year is a new year and the frame looks a lot better. As for being the team leader, another student stepped up and I didn't have an issue with it. He is a hard working individual that should have been the leader from the start. Unfortunately, I don't think he is that good of a leader.
We are moving forward though, and a decent car is getting built, so I do see us going to competition this year.

Well at this point you may be wondering what the hell am I going to start Blogging about any way. Good question. Over the summer I started to think about after college and decided I would like to keep my hobby of building a race car. After some research I found Formula 1000. Its the next step up from a FSAE car and it got my attention quickly.
I started to design a car from the ground up in my spare time shortly after that. I then ran into Jersey Tom's F1000 It inspired me and gave me some ideas, one of them being this blog here. So Jersey Tom, here's to you, thanks for inspiring me and I hope we can talk design some time.

Other than that, I made this blog to basically share ideas, post what I have been working on, and hopefully inspire some other engineers or race car enthusiasts to do the same. I have some basics down and shortly I will start uploading them here and discussing what I'm doing.

See you then.

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